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Atlanta Food and Art News
BiteLines blog mostly about the Atlanta BeltLine, restaurants, street art and weirdness.
Try Tuk Tuk Thai Food Loft (say that fast)!
Off the Atlanta BeltLine My boyfriend and I rarely go outside a 1-mile radius around our home in the Old Fourth Ward neighborhood. We can...
5 Ways to Enjoy Spring in Atlanta
The dogwoods and azaleas are in bloom, and sunbathers are planting themselves on every spare patch of grass. It's time to get out of your...
It's All about the Sweets
Two new desserts offered tomorrow on our Food and Art Tour of the Atlanta BeltLine We all know that the best part of travel is the food....
COVID is so 2021. Get out and eat!
Ramping up Food and Art Tours on Atlanta BeltLine The cherry trees and azaleas are blooming, it's a balmy 60 degrees some days, and...
So that's what pho is?
Try this new Vietnamese Restaurant at Ponce City Market Ok, first let's talk about what Pho is and isn't. 1. It isn't ramen. Although you...
Forget Vanilla. Chocolate Slap Yo Mama is in the House.
Where to Find the Best Ice Cream on the Atlanta BeltLine Summer in Atlanta is exactly like living in a rainforest (without the...
Fun Things to do this Summer on the Atlanta BeltLine
COVID is mostly over, and you have watched everything worth seeing on Netflix. Right? You want to get out and DO something. And while not...
New York: The Food, the Art, the City
Last week, Shawn and I went to New York with his teenage kids. Coincidentally, New York was the last trip I took before COVID (in...
Some Deep Fried Goodness
So often, the way we learn about other people is through food. Anthony Bourdain built an empire on this premise. When I travel, I seek...
Food, Art & New Friends: BeltLine Tours Are Back!
This past Saturday, we resumed BiteLines Food & Art Tours on the Atlanta BeltLine. We had a great group of people, and my boyfriend Shawn...
Why Go to Paris? This Strawberry Macaron is Calling You Right Here.
We will be back this Saturday! Our first BiteLines food & art tour on the Atlanta BeltLine after quarantine is kicking off, and I am so...
Nina & Rafi Back on BeltLine Tour
Atlanta, as much as it has a burgeoning food scene, has not had a great track record with pizza. So it blew my mind when I discovered O4W...
BiteLines Food & Art Tours Are Back!
I am thrilled to share that I am relaunching BiteLines, my food & art tours on the Atlanta BeltLine. The first tour will be Saturday,...
Margaritas & Minero at Ponce City Market
As you may have seen, Shawn and I fêted Cinco de Mayo last week with a lunch at Minero, one of Atlanta's best Mexican restaurants....
Happy Taco Day (aka Cinco de Mayo)!
It's Cinco de Mayo, the 5th of May, which for Mexico means a celebration of some long-ago war victory. But for us Americans, it means an...
Thai, Chinese or Vietnamese? Yes to all 3 at Hawkers on the Atlanta BeltLine.
At Hawkers Asian Street Food on the Atlanta BeltLine, you can get family recipes inspired by street vendors.
From Superheroes to Shiraz: Date Night on the Atlanta BeltLine
Now that many of us have gotten the vaccine, it seems that we are finally emerging from the dark cloud of COVID. God help you if you have...
Lobster on the Atlanta BeltLine
Every summer, my sister Katie and I go in search of the perfect lobster roll in Atlanta. It's an effect of our hybrid personalities -...
Your Guide to the Atlanta BeltLine
The Atlanta BeltLine is not just a way to get around, but also a destination. With a head count of about 2 million a year, the Eastside...
The Other Atlanta BeltLine: Westside Trail
You won't find restaurants every few feet. Or women showing off their pretty dresses. You won't be swearing at scooters nearly running...
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